Sunday 12 June 2011

Glee... not so much.

Can someone pppllleeeaaassseee explain to me the whole Glee thing.....seriously.

Much like me and sushi.....  I really really wanted to like the show.  Tried it...couldn't get through it.  Tried it go.

And yet... there they were...thousands of Gleeks (yep...enough of a phenomenon they've got their own "title") piling into the ACC in Toronto over the weekend for 4...I said 4 ...sold out shows!!!!! 

Am I the only one who sees it as a high school talent show?  And really...isn't it only parents who sit through those things??!!  Because they have to.
ok ok...some of the cast can  I'll give you Karaoke bar instead of talent show....but no more.  :P

Tuesday 31 May 2011

People I don't even know who I have a crush on... :)

The first really really really hot day here....around 30 celsius....add another 10 degrees thanks to humidity and you have my first crush...   Willis Carrier is credited with inventing commercial central air

The obvious for me.....  Henry Ford.....I do love cars...not a cheap hobby btw.  The Hershey family....if I need to explain this to you...well I feel very very sorry for you.  :(  seriously   


I don't know who's behind the hair straightener...but I love them anyway. 

The person...who's probably in some tiny little cubicle somewhere...who came up with the concept of Cocoa Mini Wheats....truly life changing...truly.  Don't believe me?  Try 'em..I dare you.

Tommy Lee....  it's not even about the music...sure the rockstar thing....  but admittedly probably the bad boy thing.  I do know he's dirty...I just don't care.  :)

Lenny Kravitz...  rockstar thing and music thing this time...  yes I have heard deodorant isn't in his daily hygiene routine...again...I just don't care.  :D

there's enough tmi for now....

Wednesday 25 May 2011

It'll be ok...I just know it.... :)

Oh will we go on...

Oh...we'll find a way...

Look...I get it...she's huge (no...not a weight reference)....

I went through my years of dedication....but found the busier my life became the harder it was to relate to her.  How can she truly push weight loss when she has chefs who cook her great food that's good for her.  I'd love that convenience.  How can she talk budget when honestly...she doesn't have one!!!

It's not that I'm bitter about her success.....I just can't listen to her when she talks about we're all the same.  We're not.  She became a millionaire at 32.....uuummmm...I'm still holding out hope on that one!!  Bucket list maybe ;)

Great that's she's motivated people...truly!

But I am quite will go on..... 
at least until October ;) ha!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

oh Arnold....

ok...time to talk grey...

Forgiveness....we are all supposed to be able to give this.... well I am here to tell ya...that's a grey area....a colour I don't really look good in. :)

Black and white....more my style.

For those of you who think Maria Shriver should stand by her man....forgive him....whatever......  ppppllleeeaaassseee  

I'm not saying Arnold shouldn't have done what he did....feelings change....  But he vowed to be faithful to her.  He should have walked away from her....before doing the tango with another woman.  I get it...that's break someone's heart.....  So maybe he isn't the tough guy we all think he is.

Am I judging him?....yes....but then again that is my name. ;)

Monday 16 May 2011

It's too bad we've lost the dress.

Whatever happened to the dress?  Seriously....
In no way am I a girlie girl...  Do you know how hard it is to plan a wedding which has no pink...and no hearts....HARD!!!  I assure you.  :)

aaahhh  yes....back to the dress...

yes yes..."sundresses" are in again this summer....  but I mean the dress...
The tailored, Audrey Hepburn, dress....sometimes slim...sometimes flirty full skirt.

Somewhere along the way we lost the dress.... a strong independent woman wears pants....  :P I say....  (A strong independent woman wears whatever the hell she wants.....  just sayin')

it's too bad...

Us ladies...well....we're lovely...  our figures flattered by a dress....

We should wear them more....  really....we should.

Sunday 15 May 2011

me...venting... not venti...though I'd love one ;)

So there I was doing show prep....and I saw it...the title of an article  "what to do when your husband loses his job"

Now, I get's supposed to grab your did....

I am not a crazy women's libber by any means....but really.....  "what to do when your husband loses his job" that seems to me it's a headline a little more appropriate for say 50 years ago. husband makes more than me....  But that's because of career choice, not because he's the man.

How 'bout...."what to do when the money stops"......

Phew.....  I feel better.... :)    my vent for the day. 

Wednesday 11 May 2011

mmmmmmm cake :)

Today is a day I am actually wishing I lived in Toronto....  crazy...right?!  :)

Dairy Queen gunned to set the record for the world's largest ice cream cream cake!!!   All 22,333.6 pounds of it unveiled!!!!  And here I sit in Cambridge.  boo 

Yes...I teach aerobics and run...but I'm honest....I do those things because they make me feel good.....look good.....and enable me to eat, drink, and be merry!  :D

Seriously....  fruit & nut bar....  hits all four food groups....  think about it.....
see!!!!   Now you're with me!

We only go around once....  You can choose to be miserable and deny yourself indulgences....  or....  you can workout hard, buy spanx, or walk out of a room backwards....whatever you need to do to camouflage that behind! ;)

Monday 9 May 2011

Moms...damn we're hard on each other...

So I am talking Moms...
yep..a day after Mother's Day....   cause I'm a Mom...  I took the day off yesterday....  my no guilt day....  when does that happen??!!  :)

Couple of things I've read over the years have stood out to me....
(Let's be honest...the fact I still remember them now....  some days I can't remember my own name!)

We's what us ladies do....

I watched an author on Oprah talk about a book she was getting serious reaction over.....hence the Oprah interview....   In it, she said she loved her husband more than her kids.  (gasp....)  Maybe she just didn't explain it well.... It's a different love.  Separate.  Not to be compared.

And then I recently read an article where a woman said it was crap....the whole line about how kids make up for the all the hard back with their smiles and milestones....  It does kinda sugar coat the reality of motherhood.  Ladies...I have to agree with her.  The vast majority of us want to give off the image we're perfect and our kids are the best....that's friggin hard to keep up. 

I really think if we all stopped judging each other we would all have an easier time being moms. 

It's damn hard.  Harder than I thought it would be, because I'm desperate to maintain a sizable chunk of me....and some days that's almost impossible.

I'd say a good day could be defined as a break even day... 

If you get out of the house, showered, no stains on the clothes....cheers to You I say!  Cheers to you!

Thursday 5 May 2011

I wore white...hear me roar..

So...we are supposed to wait until after Easter right..or is it May 2-4?
When we can wear white again...
and then we have to pack it all up after labour day.

Crazy such an old tradition even matters now eh???   Who are you really gonna disappoint if you wear white when you shouldn't anyway...that really judgemental lady from What Not to Wear...she doesn't scare me!  (I'm flexing my muscle just can't see it.  Me flexing...not the muscles, they're there I swear!!)  Now...I do think my Mom would say something...she doesn't scare me nearly as much as she did when I was little and would get caught with my hand in the cookie jar... :)  (Seriously, not a line...I eat cookies ALL the time!)

Well...  with 2 boys...5 and 2.....white is a dream....
Honestly....  bought a winter coat this's white.... I call it "my freedom" coat......I only wear it when there are no boys in sight.

So here's why I was a rebel earlier this week...  I did it...wore white.... 
(I wear lots and lots and lots of brown....  I say it just makes sense...cause then if here...when I drop chocolate on me you can't see it.)
back to the white.....
cardigan....did fine at work...  made it through the morning coffee.... cheers!

Home.....  truly....truly...  walked in the door greeted by yogurt covered hands.
Cardigan done....but wouldn't trade the hug for all the white clothes in the world.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Harper...a true Canadian man?

ok...I really wanted to by all witty here and chat about the federal election...but.....nah......  boring....  honestly....

good thing...  we shouldn't have to vote for another 4 years
bad thing...  people in other countries will still think all Canadian men have hair like Harper  :0'd be nice if he would wear clothes not picked by his mother.  Oh I know...I know....he has an image consultant.  Can I be the consultant of the consultant?  pppllleeeaaassseee    

Pick up a magazine....heck, check out a flyer, they're free!!  No excuses.  It's not like you're an ugly man.  (What?  You gonna tell me they aren't out there.  Not being cruel here.  Just honest.) 

Hack the hair, wear a solid dark colour shirt every once in a while (funerals don't count), and try contacts sometime....'s the little things that do'll all add up. ;)

Friday 29 April 2011

betcha she had the same bride issues we had... ;)

ta da.....they're all married up...

Got me thinking.... Kate Middleton still must have had those usual "bride" issues...
Who was gonna help her go to the bathroom???   :)
Can't sit once you're might wrinkle the dress!!!
Heels, flats, running shoes...and yep some have even done slippers!  Flats btw

And...what do you think was in her purse??? 
kleenex (yes, probably a handkerchief, since she's a princess and all), nail polish, lipstick, safety pin, tide pen...just in case....heehee

Yes...they're Prince and Princess...but they're also just a boy and a girl who want to spend the rest of their lives together.  Happy day for them.  :)

Thursday 28 April 2011

deal or no deal? ... ALWAYS a deal

ok...I know I am not the only girl on this planet who gets a rush from a great deal....but seriously....

Got an email from a clothing store website that their clearance was a further 30% off....  (oh..btw...if you aren't on the email lists of your favourite stores you are sssoooo missing out.)  Wow did I just sound wwwwaaayyyy girlie there.  Still no pink in my closet...just to clarify.   Back on topic.....  then I remembered I'd received a coupon card in the mail for 40% off....  Don't get ahead of me here... :)     read the fine print....woo hoo...goin' shoppin'!!!!!

Love online shopping...probably because I have 2 little people which keep me from the stores more than I'd like.  Yes..I take them sometimes....but ladies we have all been there.... 

Also...I like to be different...  Yes I'm like thousands with my Blackberry...but I dress her up...and thanks to only costs about 5 bucks a coat!  :)

You can get a workout shopping....really...  That's what I tell myself anyway! ;)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

UFC..more hand holding than fighting

So....UFC in Toronto this weekend...

Can I be the only one who thinks this is funny....??? 
You know this is just grown men, partnered, in some of sort of groping, grabbing, smooshing thing.  I can't even find the words to describe is not one of them.  :)

To be I haven't gone to a match....and have watched only little on TV.
Admittedly it makes me giggle.....yep...giggle. 

A sport requires skill....grabbing, groaning, and grunting with brute strength...UFC doesn't really require the skill of say basketball, hockey, get me?  :) be fair....
two things I love.....   running..... skill required?  none  :)
                               nascar (aka driving around a circle for a few hours).... 
                                         bit more skill required....  lots more
                                         money required!!! 

Would I go to a match...maybe...they're licensed events right??!! ;)

Monday 25 April 2011

oh to be 19 again...or not.

Princess Diana (yep...finally had to go the route of the Royal wedding) was just 19 when she married Prince Charles.....  
Kate Middleton is 29.  (yes...I told her age....had too...sorry Kate :(  )

If I had of married when I was's safe to say I would have ended up divorced too!  Phew....  There's one ball dodged....  Now...maybe if he'd had a crown and castle to offer the deal wouldn't have been sssooo bad.  :)

Now your turn.....think back to 19....who would you be living with.......
Go search him on Facebook...for a glimpse of what could have been....

now stop laughing......  ;)  
(maybe buy a lottery ticket if you're feeling lucky!!)

Thursday 21 April 2011

He called her FAT!!!

Seriously...he called her FAT!!!! 

Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson are shacking up K, and he has apparently told her she needs to lose weight. :o  Here's a question.....has he looked in the mirror lately?  Checked his birth certificate?  She's 26....almost half his about not getting it.  There are sssooo many other guys better than him! 

OK...there is a recent pic that shows a bit of a belly, but her rep says it was a bad shirt. Bad shirt or not, isn't there a "thick or thin" line in wedding vows?  ok...maybe not...hey, maybe there should be?!  :)

Who wants to kick Sean Penn's butt with me?! Seriously.  ;)

Monday 18 April 2011

yes I do...I just don't want to admit it

How good of a mood are in you in????'s a short work is pretty much Tuesday.  Tomorrow..already the middle of the week!  Is it sad I am this excited?  Perhaps.  But some people get excited to see Celine Dion...that's sad.  :)

Oh...and I feel I will make a confession today...Easter coming up and all...
I have a love for the song...stressing the song here...
"I Know You Want Me"  Enrique Iglesias
shock and awe perhaps????
Yep...I wanted to hate it...solely cause it's that "I never do my shirt up" guy.  hhmmf's not like he was cool the first time he hit the charts.  Just sayin'

Now that I've said's this...
Just because you make your band name an acronym does not allow you to move up on the cool metre.  (yes..metre..Canadian me) 
Seriously....  NKOTBSB tour....who are you kidding?  You will always be the voice cracking, zit popping, New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys. (But Kara, you ask, you must sing their songs if you like Enrique? blushing...  See why it's sssooo bad to love Enrique's song...see!!!)

Oh how everything old is new again...  Oprah got it right...40 IS the new 30.  :)

Thursday 14 April 2011

racy? really?

OK...I am a car chic.  I can't be the only girl out there who is....
Here's my gripe today...

A UofW engineering student sports a bikini and poses with a car she helped build, they had planned to compete in SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)competitions.  Once faculty discovered the photos (which had been done, btw, in hopes of getting chosen for a charity calender) they suspended her, and eventually the whole team.  Now they're out of an upcoming race in Michigan.  And a couple of major sponsors are ticked with the school.

Us ladies know if we put on a bikini and pose for a pic in front of a car guys (and some gals) will be looking at more than the car's headlights. 

Obviously she was comfortable with it, so I say go for it!

To women who want to ramble about it being sexist....please.....

Don't tell me everytime you leave the house you look like a slob....cause you don't.  Who are you dressing to impress?  You and I both know if we really didn't care about what other people thought we'd sport sweats and slick hair more days than not.

I have seen the picture, and think all this drama around it is beyond unnecessary.  It's not our place to point a finger.  She's okay with it, it's not pornographic, so relax.  Is she showing anything more than the swim team would?  Probably not. 

Wednesday 13 April 2011

weird interview questions

Why are manhole covers round? 
How would you answer that in a job interview...yep....job interview...
Just saw an article on weird interview questions....which employers apparently started to ask with the dot com boom when they were trying to gage the creativity of prospective employees.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Me: Depends on the day.  But give me a few more years and cougar may be my answer.  :)
You know you thought of an answer right away...  Funny?  Throw it out to a friend.  Might give you some insight into their brain....unless of course you don't want to dig too deep. :)

How 'bout.....   If you won the lottery, would you still work?
Me:  1 million, yes.  11 million, no.
Yes...I've thought about it, have dreamed about know you have too!

(btw....manhole covers are round because it's impossible to drop the lid through a smaller say google answers anyway)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

fat, skinny jeans, and men

OK ladies somethin' we battle don't. There's a study showing us Moms do carry more weight than our single lady friends.....BUT....Dads not so much. Single, married, or married with kids....guys' weight stays the same!

Aaannnddd they just naturally burn more calories, even sitting!!!

So I ask you this.....why were skinny jeans designed for us.....not them!!!???Backwards I say! ;) just have that tiny little area to shave....and we...well....let's just say it's not a tiny job!  :)

Monday 11 April 2011

more on me....

Weird....weird to write about myself....
But my baggage is part of who I am.....may explain me in a way.

Today....I am a Mom (ya...I put that before wife...kinda sad...but reality these days....if I'm being totally honest...which is what I vow to do here...)  Two boys...Chase is 5, Nolan 2.  I am a wife, 8 years in.  Cliff, my husband.  Never really called him my fiance...find that word too frou-frou (had to look up how to spell that..said it lots...spelt it...not so much).  Married Cliff, my shoulders dropped, he's got my back.  Now somebody out there always has my back.  Worth the 17-grand the wedding cost???...sure. :)

Don't want to turn this into an Oprah done that for now...

Got a new tattoo this weekend.  (see...if you read into that you're going "new" tattoo...she has others???)  Hope...  that word...  Inked on the inside of my right wrist (Charlie stole my placement idea...damn him..going and making it trendy.)  I put it there for me.  It's to remind me to have hope.  I am a cup half empty girl, so this is a reminder I do need daily.  Now I always have Hope.  It's capitalized for a reason.  One I will share another day.

Sunday 10 April 2011

blog virgin to the blog world....not new to blah blah blahing though!

Will figure things out...throw up pictures....and share....  cause it's nice to share.  :)